AOS Adventures

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Well, last weekend was less than exciting. Frank, Mike, and myself all worked both days - enjoying the mix of both clear and strange weather, and our lovely customers.

Travis had some races up in Portland. Due to an error with timing, he beat second place by twenty minutes. Alright, he's not that fast. However, Travis is still very fast. Faster than you or me. I'm sure once they get their times sorted out up there, he'll find out that he placed very well.

At least for me, all this work and little amount of play is enough to substantially reduce morale. Luckily we're not stranded at sea, or we'd have issues. Here at the AOS we find ways of improving morale - this includes but is not limited to: dancing, tying knots, talking in weird voices, making bagel sandwiches, making fun of each other, and talking about people in 3rd person while they're present.

All of this works fairly well in keeping us motivated and excited. When these activities fail, we have an eight cup coffee-maker.

Oh! I should mention a note about our most recent SOU graduate, and 'morale buster' (This is actually a positive label, though it seems harsh). Sarah Spector somehow managed to graduate this last Saturday 'on good faith', though she still has three credits left to complete! We're very proud of her, and we are also very excited to be seeing more of her around the shop. Learn more about Sarah here. Stop in and give her a big high-five.

So, though the weekend was fairly depressing, Frank and I managed to get out climbing at the Greensprings on Sunday evening. A group of us from the shop joined several other climbers up at the crag last night as well. It was very refreshing to see so many people out on the rock! Michael Daole, our ski-tech. Mike Reinert, our encyclopedia. Even Mackenzie Duffy from the Rogue Rock Gym! First time in a while that i've seen more than one rope up at once. We got a bit of a drizzle around nine, but everyone was very happy to be out.

I'm not entirely sure what the rest of the staff will be up to this weekend, but I do hope that it is full of adventure and activity. I will be driving south to Yosemite on Friday night to climb some multipitch for the weekend, and I'll be back by Tuesday. Hopefully the weather holds - it's looking great so far.

Before we know it July will be here, so take advantage of the more moderate temperatures we're having this month! I was out in the park earlier this week on a sunny day and it was lovely - not too hot, not too cold. Whatever you find yourself doing this weekend, I hope that it is exciting and safe.


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